Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Story to Pass Down

When I was about three years old our family took a vacation and went out west.  We decided to make a stop at the Grand Canyon like anyone would.  Back in 1993 when you went to the Grand Canyon, the only thing to separate you from the ground and falling was a metal fence.  It had huge gaps and really wasn't much of a protective barrier.  They may still have the same system set up, but I haven't been back since I was three.  At this point in my life I was a daredevil.  Nothing was impossible and nothing scared me.  I was just like any carefree kid.  Being the carefree kid I was, the fence was set up perfectly so I could grab a bar above my head and swing back and forth on it as if it were a monkey bar.  Keep in mind as I would swing out, most of my body was hanging over just a bunch of air and rocks far below me. I kept breaking away from my parents and running to the fence to swing.  I also would just run to the edge and look down.  Over and over.  My mom kept having to chase after me and grab me as quick as she could.  As a result, this meant she was risking her life since I had no idea what I was doing was dangerous.  I basically gave my parents a heart attack.  Instead of enjoying such a breathtaking view at the Grand Canyon, my parents got to enjoy risking their lives to retrieve me from a risky adventure.  My parents and sister ended up barely noticing the Grand Canyon and raced out of there in no time all because of me.  What a good daughter. :)


  1. Katie that story is really scary! I am quite the daredevil myself but I don't think even as a child I would do something like that! Thank goodness for your parents keeping a good eye on you otherwise who knows what could have happened. Hopefully you get to go back to the Grand Canyon one day so you can actually enjoy the beautiful view instead of risking your life! God bless your mom and dad.

  2. Hahah this blog was actually hysterical to read in my opinion! I sat here the entire time just imaging a little girl continuously hanging herself over the edge while her parents panicked and ran to save their daughter time and time again. It was a fun story to read and I think you did a real nice job describing to your readers Bravo
