Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Exploratory Research - The Ridges

        For my exploratory research essay, I chose to research the Ridges. The Ridges has always been interesting to me as I think it is to many OU students. I have heard many horror stories surrounding the ridges since I was a freshman and decided I wanted to learn more about it. Through my research I learned that the Ridges was built following the civil war to house mentally ill patients.  The main hospital building was split into two wings, one for women and another for men. There was also an administrative building, power plant, stables and many other buildings on the grounds.
        The horror stories that have been made famous involving the Ridges involve the highly controversial frontal lobotomy procedure that took place there and more recently the tuberculous ward. When OU students are looking for a scare around Halloween, many try to break into this building to look for the famous body stain on the floor. According to the legend, a women escaped her ward and got locked in a room where no one could hear her. Before the hospital staff could find her she had died and after removing her body a stain remained. The university is now considering removing the tuberculosis ward for fear of someone being injured while breaking in. However, many community members in Athens are trying to convince the university to keep the building for its historical value. I personally believe that the ridges should be renovated so that people can safely go inside and see it.

1 comment:

  1. Martin, I like how you used great detail throughout the blog. I can tell you did your research and had to offer a lot of useful information for your paper. I myself explored the Ridges and found a lot of similar facts that explains how this place is so fascinating. Great job.
