Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog 5: Researching Appalachia

          For my research paper I chose to write on the Supernatural in Athens and Ohio University. Athens and Ohio University are known to be some of the most haunted places in the world. I started my research by looking at the first known occurrences of supernatural activity in Athens. I was able to find the earliest known occurrences that dated back to the 1800s, centered on a 1,000-foot ridge called Mount Nebo, which had previously been a Native American spiritual center. The Koons family, in the mid-1800s moved to the Athens area and settled their home at Mount Nebo. The father of the family was said to be able to connect with spirits and his wife and oldest son were also able to. The spirits instructed them to build a room and fill it with instruments and the Koons followed their instructions. In this room is where they performed public séances which became very well known and people would travel for hours to come see them. After several years the Koons family stopped performing séances and moved. Mount Nebo is believed to be where the spiritual world is connected with our own. I also researched The Ridges and Wilson Hall.
Mount Nebo
            Throughout my research I was able to better understand the history behind the legends of supernatural activity around Athens, Ohio and Ohio University. I had not previously known the story about the Koons family and Mount Nebo, which I found particularly interesting. I found this information to be the most interesting because it gave me a sense of when, where, and how the supernatural came to life within Athens. There are too many accounts of supernatural events throughout the years that lead me to believe that it is true. 

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