Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Exploratory Essay

Scott O’Lone
Blog #5
ENG 3080J
Exploratory Essay
            For my essay I decided to explore mental health in Appalachia. In my research I learned that mental health is an important issue in rural areas, like Appalachia. Substance abuse is still prevalent, but not any more than the rest of the nation. Lower economic status did not have an effect either. The self-reliant nature of rural dwellers was a common theory throughout my sources. People in Appalachia pride themselves on independence and respect. Mental health has a negative stigma and some people do not want to be looked at as that “crazy person.”
            Mental health awareness is an important project to present to rural areas. If we can show that mental health is not a bad thing, people will be more likely to seek help. Once there is acceptance, families will be supportive for in-patient care. In-patient care is more effective than outpatient care, because of the spaced out checkpoints. With a stricter in-patient schedule, patients will recover quicker. Once we bring more awareness to the issue mental health conditions in Appalachia will improve.


  1. Scott, what an interesting topic you chose to explore in Appalachia. I like how you researched economic status along with substance abuse throughout the region. I would have found it interesting to actually read your paper. I think you found a very interesting and relevant topic for the Appalachian community.
