Monday, December 3, 2012

Exploratory Essay

For my exploration essay I researched about the family life in Appalachia. One of the reasons I researched this aspect of Appalachia is because of how much my family means to me. I felt like I could relate to the Appalachian family values. Through my research I found that the Appalachian community itself acts like one big family in many ways. The entire community is there to help each other out and look after each other. In one reading I found that mothers will watch over all the children in the neighborhood. If they are doing something they shouldn't be then its their duty to go get them. Its a code that all the moms have. I am very close with everyone in my family. My three older sisters and my parents are the most important people in my life.  A family in Appalachia does not just consist of the individual unit, rather the entire extended family and in some cases the community.  The families and communities in central Appalachia work together without the help of wage labor and big employers.  A sense of loyalty to each other makes the community work. Communities protect and defend each other.      I feel that my family protects and defends each other in the same type of way that I read that the people of Appalachia do. My relationship with my family will continue to grow each year. I am excited to have a family of my own one day so I can pass that strong family bond to my children.

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