Thursday, December 6, 2012

Research Summary!

            After examining the education system in Appalachian school districts there for more then a few things that I discovered. First I would like to point out that I decided it was necessary for me to choose this topic because of the overwhelming stereotype that surrounds’ it. Second I though after reading Sohn’s dissertation that I should take a look closer to see why she believed so dearly that Appalachia was every bit as prepared to take on college as the rest of the country. What I found both confirmed Sohn’s belief and in a way contradicted it.
            After doing some research I found that the number one problem with Appalachian school systems is funding! As a result of a small population this rural area is sadly awarded far less money from the state and therefore, forever set back with lack of programs, textbooks, and other necessary school supplies. With such little benefits its no surprise that the next issue falls on teachers. Naturally teachers continue to leave Appalachian school systems in hopes of a better school with further benefits. In this case its almost as if Appalachian schools have become a breading ground for young inexperienced teachers. Although this does not make them bad teachers they just are incapable of having the same experience and a teacher who has been in the system 10-20 years. Afeter looking at just two of the fundamental flaws of the Appalachian school system one can obviously infer that these students have a worse education and sadly it is in no way their fault. So I then want to say that Sohn is 100% right that Appalachian students are more then capable of succeed with the rest of the country, however, because of a lack of funding they usually will not have a fighting chance with these poor programs in place. 


  1. I really admire the topic that you chose to research and can now get another perspective on why there is not a very high value of education in Appalachia. It would make sense for many people to not see the value in education if they are not getting the same quality education as other public school children around the country. I never really thought about the money from the state being so much lower because of the population. It was nice to have this part of the equation brought to my attention.

  2. This topic was very interesting to me because I never really took the time to consider the facts that you presented. Your perspective is nice because you look at the overall picture, but also are compassionate for those that are involved in these less-fortunate schooling situations. I think it is important for everyone to remember these things, so that the stereotypes of a "less intelligent" person from Appalachia can be removed from our everyday thinking.
