Sunday, December 9, 2012

Discourse in Appalachia

If there's one thing that I've learned throughout the semester about Appalachia it's that it always has had a bad reputation and most likely will always have that reputation. Appalachia became known around the early 1900's so for over 100 year's there hasn't been anything positive to be said about it. Appalachia has primarily been known for it's jobs in the coal mines and now that there isn't a lot of mining happening, the area has become very economically depraved and has even more so a bad name. I think that it's really sad that Appalachia has such a bad reputation because I believe that Appalachians have a lot to teach the rest of the United States, they have so much to offer. We continue to treat and look at Appalachians as a less of a people then the rest of us, which is awful. If anything I strongly believe that Appalachians are much better of citizens and humans then the rest of the US. 

The only way that the Appalachian region is ever going to get a positive image is if we people who are non-Appalachians (and Appalachians) start sticking up for what we believe in. We need to be more like the women who came in and talked to us about the coal mines. That women had such strong beliefs and she believed that she was going to make a difference and if we start believing like she does, maybe we can put a stop to all the stereotypes about Appalachia. We have to start sticking up for the place we call our second home.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Appalachia has continually been looked down upon and I think that is in part to blame on the media in America. In movies and television shows they do not show the positive sides to Appalachia and only show the negatives which perpetuates the negative stereotypes associated with it. Before this class I never really gave much thought to Appalachia or thought anything of it when I would see it in movies and on tv as being dirty and run down with belligerent people. Now if I were to see that it would make me angry because I know that it isn't like that everywhere in Appalachia and they are making people believe that it is. The people here are much nicer than in places in big cities and everyone I have come into contact with in local businesses are as friendly as can be and are always willing to help. People don't appreciate or get to really see Appalachia for what it truly is.
