Thursday, December 6, 2012

Researching Appalachia

Marijuana in Appalachia is a huge industry, making more money than the entire coal industry of the US.  With so much money being passed around under the table, the government is losing money.  They fight this so called "war on drugs" but it doesn't work.  More kids in the US are smoking pot now than ever before.  Im sure at least everyone knows one person who smokes pot regularly. And if you don't know someone who does, then one of your friends is lying to you.

With so much money going around untaxed the government is losing copious amounts of revenue.  The  "war on drugs" mainly pot, is a recreation of the 1920's prohibition era.  Cops would go drink at the speak easys, then turn around the next day and bust them.  It's history repeating itself.  Think of the money being wasted that could be made taxing Marijuana.


  1. I guess I really never thought about it, but that's a ton of money that pot generates. Nice job blending some facts with your thoughts on the issue. I definitely agree that the negative connotations of pot are silly, and skewed by a ridiculous propaganda campaign in the 20s. People who view pot as "morally wrong" are kidding themselves, especially when those same people don't view cigarette smoking as immoral. Now, I'm just a cigar guy myself, but there's nothing wrong with responsibly enjoying marijuana. I think you could have improved this quick blog by trying to find some research on Appalachia specifically. Is pot use more common in Appalachia? (etc). Lastly, I know that other hardcore drugs like heroin and meth have a presence in Appalachia. I'd be intrigued to see some stats on those drugs in Appalachia compared to users in urban areas.

  2. I like your thought, I may just research this myself.
