Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Athens History-Ghosts at Ohio University

               When thinking about the history of Athens county and Ohio University, one particular issue comes to mind, ghost stories. One day when I was in high school I was watching a ghost hunters story on television. I was amazed when they were at Ohio University exploring a dorm on East Green! In the documentary they explained how Ohio University was one of the most haunted places in America. This surprised me because I haven't heard any stories about OU being haunted up until that point. When I first came to Ohio University, I began to hear haunted stories about the Ridges. The Ridges used to be an insane asylum and many students told me how they would go there and try to experience live ghosts! For this particular blog, I thought it would be appropriate to explore the history of ghosts here at Ohio University. I find exploring ghost stories relevant because many people that I talked to before coming to college were fascinated with the idea that OU was haunted.
                For my research I turned to the internet and have interviewed people around campus who have encountered a ghost story. I found an article online that explains in 1996 at Jefferson hall there was a ghost. There appeared to be a woman who was transparent floating above a chair in an abandon dorm room! The women was floating than all of a sudden disappeared. Another story I found online describes how a girl who played basketball at Ohio University that died in a car crash haunts Washington hall. Students that live in the dorm say they have heard the dribbling of a basketball and sounds of chatter in the roof of the residence hall. One final story I found on the internet describes ghost stories that have occurred in Bush hall. Students that reside in this residence hall have heard footsteps on the roof and proclaim that water fountains have turned on and off all by themselves. A personal story I heard about ghosts in Athens came from my friend. Him and his girlfriend went to the ridges and proclaim to have seen a white figure in one of the windows.
              When thinking about the history of Ohio University, the topic of ghosts immediately comes to mind. There are many stories that have surfaced about ghosts and mysterious events that have occurred around campus that cannot be explained. After doing my research on Ohio University, I couldn't help myself, Are there ghosts at Ohio University?

1 comment:

  1. I remember my roommate showing me that same video about haunted Athens just before Halloween freshman year. I too have heard the stories about Jeff hall and Washington hall but never the one about Bush hall. The white figure in the window makes me want to go check it out my self!
