Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Researching Fracking in Appalachia

    For those who don't know, hydraulic fracturing, or simply fracking, is the process of extracting natural gas or oil from deep within the earth's crust. As an Environmental Geology major, writing my exploratory research essay on fracking in Appalachia just seemed right. I knew of all the horrors occurring from this process in the Appalachian region, but was much uninformed on the positive factors. Fracking is very relevant to this generation, being a process developed mostly in the past 10 years, with a surge of drilling occurring just over the past few years. It is done by pumping water and chemicals at high pressures into deeply drilled areas, breaking through the fractures in the Marcellus shale, then collecting the escaping natural gas for an energy source.
     Having heard only negatives on this process I wanted to check out the other side of the story; After all they had to be doing it for some reason right? What I found surprised me. I learned more of this energy source that was cleaner than coal, with the abundance to keep the United States energy independent for up to 45 years! This source could also help the U.S. meet the federal air quality standards much easier for conventional pollutants. Not only that, but fracking created many new high paying jobs, helping those in need during tough financial times. As for the negatives; well lets just say we don't have enough space to write all of them here.

     A few years down the road when engineers can design a safe and effective way of extracting this energy source, fracking could be a great potential; Until that time comes however, it needs to stop. Many American lives have been harmed from this process and nothing seems to be getting done about it. The largest problem seems to be coming from a cement casting used during the extraction where natural gas and other chemicals have been found to leak out into local water supplies in the Appalachian region and other regions alike. Although this source could be beneficial, pumping harmful chemicals which are hindering the environment and those who inhabit the area just doesn't seem right.
     When learning of the harms of fracking, I suggest checking out the 2010 documentary, Gasland, by Josh Fox. He has also set up a nice website telling the stories of those harmed and the true facts behind the drilling process. This site can be found by clicking HERE.

-Colton Creal  


  1. I too chose to research fracking for my public speaking class last year. At the time the university was voting on whether or not to lease land out to a drilling company for a fracking operation. I agree that there are actually many positives that often get overlooked by the media and others as they only focus on that bad. Also, I believe that a better process needs to engineered to extract this natural gas resource without the negative consequences.

  2. I think we should frack everything! I believe the risks and negative consequences are worth it, if it means getting more resources and helping the area make more money. The documentary sounds very interesting and I think I will watch it. Recently there was a protest against fracking down on courtstreet, I feel like not everyone there new all the facts about fracking and were just told it was bad so they felt they had to protest it.

  3. Despite his best efforts, Kieren has brought up a very interesting point; as long as there's fossil fuel in the ground, why not use it? Obviously, from an environmental standpoint, there are numerous benefits to exercising patience in regards to this matter. Better technology will undoubtedly mean cleaner and more effective fuel extraction, but why wait? From a Corporate America perspective, fracking is already profitable, and therefore must continue. As the world's supply of fossil fuels continues to dwindle, the price one can charge, and the profit one can thereby accrue, will only increase. If it's a question of patience vs. profit, I think the Capitalists have proven time and time again which option they'll favor. So.... Keep on fighting the good fight, Creal!
