Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Story to Pass Down

This story happened very recently. It was my first push to really make a change in what I know about the world.
            I’ll admit it; I’m ignorant when it comes to politics. I’ve always been embarrassed to voice my opinions in class or to my friends because I don’t know enough about the political parties. I consider myself to be a smart woman, but I definitely focus more on biology and anatomy rather than history and economics. But on Wednesday, October 17, I had the privilege of witnessing a historic event that a small sum of American’s will get to share with me. Our current President of the United States, Barack Obama, visited OU to give a speech concerning the upcoming election. At first I was confused to why he visited MY school instead of somewhere that was larger and better known. I soon found out that Ohio is a big swing state during the elections, and that OU is one of the larger, predominantly liberal schools in the state. The tickets were free, so I had no excuse to not go.
            College green was packed with thousands of people. When President Obama came out and approached the podium, the atmosphere in the crowd was unlike anything I’ve ever experience before. It’s unbelievable that one man can hold so much power in his words. People were crying, yelling, cheering all around me. It was something that people would’ve paid good money to see, and I was lucky enough to see it all for free.
            I feel like I’ve been given an opportunity to go forward with my knowledge on politics. However, even after the speech, I still know very little about what’s going on in our country. This is my opportunity, now, to learn more, like everyone else who was there. The experience that I had my junior year with the President of the United States, will be passed down from in my family for a long time. 

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