Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Story to Pass Down

      A story I hope gets passed down in my family is about my older brother, Addam. Addam is five years older than me so I did not get to "grow up" with him very much, but there are stories from his childhood I wish I could have been old enough to enjoy experiencing. One of my favorites that I hope gets passed down to future generations takes place when Addam was finally old enough to reach out of his crib and flick the light switch in his room on and off. Apparently, when he found out this fabulous new skill of his, he stayed up all night turning the lights on and off. My parents would hear Addam saying, "Light on! Light off! Light on! Light off!" from their room and would have to take turns going to lay him back down and tell him to go to sleep. A few hours later, they would once again hear Addam's "Light on! Light off! Light on! Light off!" and go back to find him standing in his crib just flicking the light switch up and down over and over again. This story was always a classic in my family because my brother is such a funny character and it's precious to think about him as a toddler so fascinated with the lightswitch. I hope this story gets passed down to future generations so they can get a laugh out of it too!

1 comment:

  1. I loved getting to hear about your brother Addam. Being the youngst in my family I never really got the chance to enjoy moments like that with younger sibilings. It truly is the little things that make some of the most funny and memorable moments. Hopefully I will get the chance to expirence moments like these when I have children!
