Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Buffalo Wild Wings

              On a beautiful Tuesday night we entered Buffalo Wild Wings, a popular spot for hungry college students. The dim lighting and scattered television screens creates a world to view sports with fellow family members or friends. That night the air was filled with patriotism, as the United States played Jamaica in a World Cup qualifier. We began by ordering a few treats in order to enhance the soccer watching experience. Suddenly the restaurant broke out in U.S.A. chants, after watching America score the first and only goal of the game. But the underlying meaning of the chants wasn’t just out of excitement and joy for scoring, but in remembrance of those lost on 9/11.
              Aside from discounted top-notch wings and sports, Buffalo Wild Wings provides a place for families and friends to assemble. Due to the popularity of the joint, it’s not uncommon to run into old friends. While watching the game a friend approached us from across the room. “Kieren! Scott! Colton!” he yelled. We all responded with smiles. Without saying anything he knew we were happy to see him. We shared stories about our third year at Ohio University and remembered the good old days. Many families group together in booths to properly cheer their country to victory. Small kids enjoyed the time with their families, laughing and cheering along. I’m sure this scene of family closeness is not just on Tuesday nights or when the US soccer team is playing. This is probably a regular occurrence at this location. College kids drinking at the bar, or laughing around a table, families laughing and enjoying dinner together.
              While studying Appalachia and what these people cherish about their lives, we’ve learned about family. Families stick together and live together. In Appalachia most neighbors ask, “Who are you related to” instead of, “Where are you from.” These ideas were definitely represented in Buffalo Wild Wings. This nice restaurant allows families and friends to get out of the house and become closer, through bonds of sports and true American spirit.
Kieren Astall

Scott O'Lone

The Old Friend

Written By: Kieren Astall and Scott O'Lone

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