Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pass Dis Down

One story I would like to have passed down is the story of how my family ended up in the United States. In the summer of 1999, my dad was transferred to work in Ohio. After selling our house to my aunt and uncle and months of packing we finally were on to america. After a 8 hour flight we landed on July 3rd on a humid, 100 degree heat. The day before there had been a tornado in Cincinnati, which frightened the crap out of me. I had no idea why my parents had decided to move us to a tornado prone area. Around 1890 my family from Lithuania (eastern europe) decided to move to America. However after being on a boat for so long, when the boat docked in England, my lithuanian family decided england was good enough, why keep going. And from then on my family was english. We were suppose to only stay for 3 years, then it changed to 7, then we got green cards, and then social security. I am still not a citizen, and I have lived here for 13 years now. I dont see myself leaving anytime soon, so down the line, I would like my future family to know how we ended up in this country.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good story to know about...I think my family has lived in America for approximately 246897684 years and I'm really not sure how we got here. It's always helpful to know where you came from! Do you want to apply for citizenship one day? Do you think when you graduate college you'll stay in America or do you miss England and want to work there? It would be neat to go back and see what you left all those years ago but you'll have a ton of opportunities here too. Cool story, good luck!
