Saturday, November 17, 2012

Exploratory Research Essay

For my exploratory research paper, my topic is hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking.  I’ve found a lot of different sources, but the majority of them have been great YouTube videos with quality content.  Some of these videos include local news articles, TV show episodes, and informative videos from various media networks.  The videos include good interviews with people who are involved or something to do with fracking.  I’m finding good information on both sides of the topic.  Though I am strongly against fracking, I am finding a lot of good qualities about it, but my views on the topic are still not changing.  I’ve learned a lot more than I did prior to writing the paper and I hope the paper reflects the information I’ve found.  Above is a depiction of the fracking process.


  1. Where did the term fracking coming from? Just a playoff of fracturing? Any who, I know this is a big issue in Kentucky, where I'm from. Kentucky is a big coal industry, and fracking has destroyed a lot of natural beauty in the area, but also provided a large amount of jobs. That's about all I know though. I'd be interested in reading your paper! And I never thought of using YouTube videos as a source. It's cool that they're so reliable nowadays and can actually be used as something more than just entertainment.

  2. I think your post is good, but you could have given just a touch more information about what you learned during your research. Fracking is a pretty big deal on both the positive and negative side around here, so it makes sense to look into it. The use of YouTube videos (I'm guessing documentaries?) is a great idea because I am betting there were probably quantitative as well as qualitative types of information.

  3. I also wrote my paper on fracking in Appalachia and how it has become so relevant in the past few years. Its gaining a lot of press and many great articles have come about from this. If you haven't already, I suggest watching the documentary Gasland. It was up for an Oscar in 2010 and was very informative. I'm guessing a lot of the youtube videos you watched came directly from that film. I like how interested others are in this topic but it would be great to hear some of the qualities, both good and bad, that you found in your research.
